Loving to talk, you perhaps enter arguments deliberately just to win them. You find it easy to understand intricate issues and arrive at a solution. Although, sometimes you are inclined to read too much into situations, and consequently miss out on your objective. Don't allow your mind to work overtime, otherwise cope with a headache too.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Correct ResponseYou easily deal with others and respond naturally in an appropriate way, understanding their needs and requirements. Whatever obstacle you face, you can tackle proficiently. People notice how much energy you have available, and propose a joint venture where there are possibilities to do well together.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Mentally ActiveYour mind is extremely active, as you consider one good idea after another, and want to make them happen after you’ve discussed them with your friends, or even the first person you meet. If someone contradicts you, take the time to consider what they say. In the end, you need to wind down and must try to relax without overly taxing your mind.