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aries Aries
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Your Daily Horoscope

First Decanate March 21 to March 31 Inquisitiveness

You are hungry for information that helps you become more knowledgeable and improves your considerable abilities, not only to take it all in but to put what you have understood into action. As a result, you easily express what you’ve learned and are sure to consider others needs too, in your quest for self-improvement.

Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Family differences

Your family life is a little more stressful than usual and your frame of mind aggravates the situation. It's not a good time to make a positive impression on people. Nevertheless remaining patient, you get through this phase. Look after your well-being, keep up recreational activities or regular exercise, a good dietary regime helps maintain a healthy outlook.

Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 On edge

Your nerves are on edge, it’s imperative you put a stop to your impulsive conduct, or you’re likely to get into trouble. Your overwhelming sense of dissatisfaction leads you to demonstrate your displeasure. Take the time and let off steam by performing some recreational activities. This has a calming effect and lets you to view things in a more relaxed way.