Nothing seems to be going quite as well as you expect, if you change your approach, you find approval more readily available and the opinions of others helpful. In your personal life, you’re confronted by all kinds of difficulties and need to be clear about where you stand in the circumstances. Think about your lifestyle too, don't be too tough on yourself.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Testing timesNo reason to worry about being put to the test, provided you demonstrate your full capabilities. In your personal life, too you’re able to defend your point of view. Never lose sight of what you want to achieve, even if a lot of choices are difficult. Overcome physical problems with rest. Life is not a competition – you don't have to fight so hard to win.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Good progressYou find work related issues easy to handle and using your alert and active mind you apply fresh impetus to projects that require concentrated team effort. You encounter very few obstacles in your personal life, whatever you choose to focus your attention on others are enthused by your innovative approach and appreciate the concerted effort you make.