The time has arrived to finally begin the task of putting your long-cherished plans into practice and to get something new underway. You show the required confidence and enthusiasm which appeals to those who can help you carry your ambitious plans forward into the future. Be careful that you’re appreciative of the help offered - don't take it for granted.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 Realize dreamsA long-cherished dream is awakening and is waiting for you to make your plans a concrete reality. It’s important you take the chances you need to make this dream come true and change your life in a long-lasting and positive way. Those relatives and friends you care about most react positively to these changes and support you in your actions all the way.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Achieve your aimsObjectives you have been pursuing for some time are finally within your grasp and your plans ready to be put into action. You’re feeling invigorated by the encouragement you receive from everyone, which buoys you up to take the essential steps required. Keep your feet on the ground and pursue your objectives consistently and they come to fruition.