Leaving your past behind, you look ahead and anticipate the future more decisively and enthusiastically than ever before. Don't be afraid to get rid of everything that holds you back. With the formidable amount of energy at your disposal, you’re determined to complete plans and even able to motivate others, becoming an enviable role model.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 ResoluteRemaining firm, you’re able to accomplish and make a reality your long held secret desires. The outcome is successful if you dare to put your ideas into action. In this way, you shape your life more positively in the long term. Those closest to you are supportive, don't get distracted by them or lose sight of your own goals, always be persistent.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Glowing cheerfulnessYou radiate warm feelings and are approachable; people appreciate this, and if you have a partner they return the affection you show. Use this time to do something unusual – that you’re unlikely to forget. If single, you can use your sensitive manner to assist others; the empathy you demonstrate to those you care for has a stimulating effect.