During what appears to be a somewhat testing period be confident and trust in your abilities, approaching events push you to the limit. Don't let the opinions of others dissuade you from your beliefs; instead, use any confrontation to build up and solidify the arguments for your position. You may well discover one or two opportunities for improvement.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 New ideasYou’re able to complete outstanding tasks that require your undivided attention. The expert way you achieve results impresses others, inspiring you to tackle any new interesting ideas that turn up. Opportunities arise for you to make collaborative plans and a concerted effort to progress further, whilst utilizing the degree of proficiency expected of you.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 ImpressivePeople are impressed with your positive attitude, reassuringly, your encouraging approach helps achieve a good outcome. If you have been waiting for an appropriate moment for an important discussion, this is the right time. If you engage in conversations with those in authority, such as the police, officials or tutors, they invariably turn out well and meet with your approval.